My goal was to have our cute little back patio outfitted with furniture by the time fall weather hit. Since we're in Texas now, and still reaching into the upper 80's, I'm assuming that time is now? I don't know, it doesn't feel very "fall" to me, but I'll take it over 110˚.
Anyhow, I spotted this set of vintage metal patio chairs and table at a garage sale for $5!!! All they needed was a coat of spray paint. (I thought).
That job fell on my husband, who said they first needed sanding. He did a great job, and I'm glad he was in charge of that part of the project since I would probably have rust-eaten chairs already by now if it were up to me.
Spray paint colors are limited, but we picked green for the chairs, and yellow for the table. I wish now that I would've done them all the same color, but the husband quickly informed me that he was done with spray paint for a while, and I don't want a green table bad enough to do it myself.
I'm just ready to put my lazy bum in those chairs and enjoy the balmy fall Texas weather!


Hard at work (and doing tricks):