This little love bird bead wanted to be a pendant for me to wear. But after I made it, I thought, "What's the deal with the Alvaro's and birds?" There's my husband's blog:
strange bird alvaro, as well as his first tattoo (
here are the only pics I could find of it. Bonus: a pregnant belly!). Then of course,
my first sewing project. And now this.
Every body's got something, right?
You probably have no idea who I am. I went to Tech when you guys did and I actually lived with Emily Matthew for a while. I don't even know how I came upon your blog. Through someone elses blog I think... Do you have a shop on etsy? Weren't you in fashion and merchandising? I remember seeing you in the Human Ecology building. Anyway, I thought I'd say hello to a fellow Techster, blogger and esty lover. :D
Wait, maybe I saw you in the art building...I worked in the office. I can't remember! Haha
i'm not sure if i'm supposed to leave a comment here to reply or not...
yeah, i remember you! i like your etsy stuff. i haven't taken that dive yet.
(i was in art. but i was a little all over for a while there. who knows!)
hey, corrie!
(just fyi, i'm your cousin daniel's wife : ))
but anyway, i stumbled on your blog (long story) and saw this bird pendant you made. believe it or not, i have those same bird beads (? - i guess they're beads; i've never really thought much about it) on some gold chain as a pair of earrings! and i love them. just thought i'd share! : )
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