my first "real" sewing project has been nothing but bibs, bibs, and more bibs. using one of judah's bibs as a pattern, i made several from red and white fabric leftover from an
ikea purchase. i used a simple zig-zag stitch so that the edges would fray once washed. two are for my best friend's daughter,
siriana. judah gets to keep the one i messed up on. my friend anne emailed me the idea for the
"sunday bib" that judah is wearing in the last picture.
what i learned:-don't let the thread run out. (see my nasty color change mid-project!)
-the little plastic pin-heads will melt when ironed.
-i sew like i drive: barefoot and with only my big toe on the pedal.

1 comment:
i love judah's bib and i'm sure it's more comfortable than wearing an actual tie:)
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