We are in full-fledged potty-training mode. And here, caught on film (or in my camera, rather) he made his first deposit. I do realize that for some of you this might be considered too much information. But my tendency to unabashedly discuss bodily functions + my maternal pride = a post about Judah's first poo-poo in the potty!

Look at these cutie underoos I found! I'm thinking about telling him that the dinosaurs bite if they get wet....no?
Send all well wishes, prayers, happy thoughts and advice my way....all are more than welcome.
Happy Pottying!
My son had those underwear too, and he LOVED them! He recently outgrew them and I couldn't find them again in the next size. He was bummed.
My major advice is to make sure that he's ready and try not to push it too much, or else you'll both get frustrated. If you don't mind following him around and cleaning up his accidents, letting him run around with no diaper is a good way to jump start potty training; also try taking him to the toilet every hour.
I need to start hard core with my little girl... we have another baby on the way next month and having two in diapers is sooo expensive!
Good luck!
Where did you get the underwear!?! They are so cute. My little man is in the middle stages of potty training (exclusively big boy underwear except at nap and at night). I enjoy your blog, have a wonderful week.
Thanks for that, I'm actually making a Wal-Mart trip today! :) Truett first tee-teed on the potty the week of his 2nd birthday,and it's been a progression ever since. He (in the last 2-3 weeks) has had no tee tee accident just the other kind, but I anticipate it much quicker now. He rarely has "those" accidents. I had NO CLUE how to potty train and found, to my surprise, that I really don't have to! It's a natural progression and nothing to be rushed or get upset over. Keep up the great work and enjoy that sweet little boy!!
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