So, needless to say, I don't have any projects going other than making this place purdy. Durham is gorgeous. Every time we go outside we say, "I can't believe we live here...I can't believe we live here..." I only have John Jay for a few more days until work and school start. But after that - let the projects begin!!! I already have some things in mind. But first things first: clean, organize, put away, and clean again.
I'm a stalker on your blog. I live in Pineville, LA and found your blog from Anne. She took our family pictures almost a year ago. Judah is precious and you make me laugh with your sense of humor. Anyway, my brother and sister in law lives in Durham. We visiting them in 2 weeks. They live on Vestavia Drive. Just thought I would make myself known to you, so that if you see a crazy woman run up to you in a couple of weeks at a Whole Foods store you want me too freaked out! I hope the unpacking and organizing is going great.
You're new place looks awesome! I know you guys will fully utilize those sidewalks! Durham looks like a pretty cool place. Oh, and I showed Caroline that picture of Judah stacking the cups and told her she'd better get moving. I asked her, "Did he do that all by himself?" And she said, "no." But that's how she answers all questions. He really is a genius, I can tell!
I am so proud of myself. I finally found your infamous blog. It is always the subject at family get togethers. Corrie, what a great life you have created for you and your family. Every picture made me smile. May God continue to bless you as you begin your next chapter in yours and Jon Jay's life. Aunt Becky
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