To those of you who don't know me and/or Jenn very well, this post might seem a bit narcissistic. But let me explain...
Our photo-shooting all started about four or five years ago when Colin Todd needed some subjects for a school project. I have conveniently left out those photos from this post. :) Two years ago,
Kelly Moore asked us to help out with some new ideas she was playing with. We complied, but had no idea what we were getting into. We spent the day playing dress-up and posing all over North Louisiana, and ended up in a lake in wedding dresses! (click
here for a few of those pictures)
Since then, our new mom schedules haven't allowed for many dress-up days and just-for-fun photo shoots. So for an early birthday present this year, Jenn took me shopping to buy an outfit guessed last session with Kelly for old times sake! We had so much fun! It got a little engagement picture-esqe, but whatev. To post them all would be ridiculously long. Besides, it gave me an excuse to make a slide show video! I was going to set it to
this song, but settled on a song Jenn gave me instead.
We have seen each other through a (one of us graduating!) bridal showers, a wedding, painting and moving (although, that's always been one sided...sorry!) sharing a duplex, crazy jobs, Dessert Fests, pregnancies, baby showers, and the births of our firstborns! and all their firsts, lots of birthdays, lots of Lost, lots of tostadas and cookie dough, and way more laughter than anyone could hope for in a lifetime. She's seen me at my worst and still loves me anyway. If people in North Carolina are half as great as Jenn, I'll be okay.
Jenn: Thank you for teaching me how to be a friend. I love you and will miss you terribly, but it's just "see you later".