Look at this!!! One of the photos we took for
Xenotees was (unknowingly) snatched off her website and used as the stock photo for picture frames! A friend of mine sent me the image and asked why my boys were in her brand new frame (from a well-known nation-wide bookstore chain). We couldn't believe it!!! Isn't that bizarre? So we went to the store and bought a frame of our very own to put up in the house. Kind of ridiculous that we paid for something that was ours to begin with, but it was too good of a story to pass up.
And to the sneaks who stole our photo: Well, I would like some of those royalties, but I can't blame you for the theft. Look at those handsome guys, I'd steal their picture too if they weren't already mine to look at everyday. :)
This was the original image.